Principles of surgery
This unit covers principles of pre-operative animal assessment and care, preparations for surgery including equipment preparation and aseptic technique and the principles of successful surgery. The unit provides information about possible complications, post-operative care and monitoring along with details of the healing process. It also covers more practical elements, for example, the demonstration of commonly used instruments and provides an opportunity for trainees to practice some of the practical aspects of surgical technique, such as methods of suturing, using appropriate non-animal models.
Online only – 10th and 11th of March 2025.
We highly recommend completion of the level 5 units Anaesthesia for minor procedures, and Advanced anaesthesia for surgical or prolonged procedures before attending this unit.
You will cover
- Anatomy and physiology
- Legislation
- Surgical procedures
- Refinement
- Tissue healing
- Problems
- Record keeping
Key Skills you will develop
- Ability to describe the planning of surgical procedures and discuss the competencies required of all personnel involved
- Knowledge and understanding of possible causes of delayed or impaired wound healing or other post-surgical complications and describe ways in which these can be avoided or, if they occur, treated
- Ability to demonstrate competence in surgical techniques, including ablations and incisions and their closure by methods appropriate to the tissue concerned