
October 2024


*Further IAT fees may apply

Minimally invasive procedures without anaesthesia

This unit provides an introduction to the theory relating to minor procedures.  It provides information about appropriate methods of handling and restraint and describes appropriate techniques for injection, dosing and sampling relevant to the species.  It should provide information sufficient for individuals to understand what will be required of them before they go on to be trained in the practical aspects of these skills whilst under supervision.

Hybrid training – Face to face teaching in Advance training centre on the 24th October, zoom sessions on the 14, 17, 21st October 10-11:30.

You will cover

  • Anatomy and physiology
  • Behavioural monitoring
  • Administration and withdrawal routes
  • Refinement
  • Evidence-based research (or lack of it) relating to administration of substances

Key Skills you will develop

  • Knowledge and understanding of the impact of animal handling and restraint on animal welfare
  • Knowledge and understanding of techniques/procedures including, for example, injection, sampling and dosing techniques (routes/volumes/frequency), dietary modification, gavage, tissue biopsy, behavioural tests, use of metabolic cages
  • Knowledge and understanding of the need for rigour and consistency in conducting scientific procedures and the correct recording and handling of samples
  • Knowledge and understanding of methods for minimising the impact on the animals subject to scientific procedures
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Course Details

  • Course Length: 200 hours
  • Credits: 20
  • Unit Number: U5.8
  • Teacher: Sara wells & Chris Trower



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