Experimental Design and statistics
This unit will provide learners with an introduction to the principles of good experimental design and reporting. The unit aims to develop the scientific skills and understanding of the learner by encouraging them to effectively research, review, analyse and debate current scientific theories from the available published literature, and draw accurate conclusions or action plans to further scientific knowledge or support animal welfare.
Online only – Zoom 9-11am on the 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st October 7th, 14th, 21st November Online exam 9-11am on the 28th November 2025.
You will cover
- Experimental design
- Case examples
- Ethics
- Data sources
- Presentations techniques
- Confirmatory statistical analytical techniques
Key Skills you will develop
- Knowledge and understanding of the importance of good experimental design on animal welfare
- Ability to compare published experiments against the ARRIVE guidelines
- Ability to design, manage and report their own experiment
- Ability to evaluate methods used to collect data
- Ability to evaluate the use of techniques to present data