Plagiarism Policy


CLAST is committed to academic integrity and expects all students to produce original work in their
assignments and assessments. Plagiarism is the act of copying someone else’s work and passing it off
as your own. It is a serious academic offence, and can result in disciplinary action, up to and including

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else’s work as your own. This can include copying text,
ideas, or images without proper attribution. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, but it is
always considered academic misconduct.

There are a number of reasons why you should not plagiarize:

  • It is dishonest: Plagiarism is a form of intellectual theft. When you plagiarize, you are taking
    someone else’s work and passing it off as your own. This is unfair to the original author and
    undermines the integrity of academic scholarship.
  • It damages your reputation: If you are caught plagiarizing, you may face disciplinary action from
    CLAST, your employer or institute. Additionally, a reputation for plagiarism can make it difficult
    to find a job or continue with your studies.
  • It prevents you from learning: When you plagiarize, you are not engaging with the material and
    developing your own understanding of it. This can lead to poor grades and a lack of preparation
    for your future career.
  • Plagiarized work is often of a lower quality than original work: When you plagiarize, you are not
    putting any of your own thought or effort into the work. This often results in work that is poorly
    written and lacking in insight.
  • Damage your relationships: If you are caught plagiarizing, it can damage your relationships with
    your instructors, classmates, and colleagues.
  • Lead to legal consequences: In some cases, plagiarism can lead to legal consequences, such as
    copyright infringement lawsuits.

Types of plagiarism:

There are many different types of plagiarism, including but not limited to:

  • Direct plagiarism: This is the most straightforward type of plagiarism, and involves copying text
    or images word-for-word from another source.
  • Paraphrasing plagiarism: This involves rephrasing someone else’s work without proper
  • Mosaic plagiarism: This involves piecing together sentences or phrases from different sources
    without proper attribution.
  • Self-plagiarism: This involves submitting your own work that has already been submitted for
    another course or assignment.
    In addition to the above inclusive list on some of different types of plagiarism, there is a growing
    concern related to the use of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) tools for academic purposes.

Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) Appropriately

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) tools are increasingly being utilized in educational contexts.
These tools can generate various forms of content, including text, code, artwork, and more. When
using GAI to support your learning or in assessments and assignments, it is crucial to understand how
to do so ethically and transparently.

Ethical Use of GAI in Academic Work

  • Originality: Your academic work should reflect your personal achievement, and assessments must
    contain your original contributions. Avoid using GAI-generated content as your own.
  • Acknowledgment: When using GAI in assessments or assignments, it is essential to acknowledge
    its use transparently.

How to Acknowledge the Use of GAI in Your Work

Incorporate a statement of acknowledgement and describe how you have used GAI in your work. This
acknowledgment should include the following components:

Statement of Acknowledgment in GAI:

  • No content generated by AI technologies has been presented as my own work.
  • I acknowledge the use of GAI systems and provide links to generate materials for
    background research, self-study, or assessment drafting.
  • Describe how GAI tools were used to structure, plan, or generate materials for your

Description of How Information or Material Was Generated:

Explain how the GAI tool was used in your work:

  • Input prompts into the GAI tool.
  • Provide the output generated by the GAI tool.
  • Describe how you adapted the GAI-generated output for use in your work.

Referencing GAI Tools

As referencing styles evolve, citing content generated by GAI tools may require different approaches.
Currently, AI-generated content is considered non-recoverable and should be cited as a personal
communication in the text. For example:

  • In-text citation: When prompted by the author, GAI responded with a ‘definition of academic
    integrity’ (GAI Tool, 2023). A copy of this response is in Appendix 1.
  • Reference list: GAI Tool (2023) GAI Tool response to [Your Name], [Date].
    Practice and guidance in the use of GAI are evolving rapidly and may change over time. Students
    should regularly check back and review this guide to ensure that their practice aligns with the most
    up-to-date advice from the CLAST.

Additional Considerations for International Students

International students may face additional challenges in avoiding plagiarism, particularly when using
GAI. Differences in academic culture and referencing practices should be acknowledged, and students
are encouraged to seek help from their instructors or other qualified representative if you have
questions about avoiding plagiarism when using GAI. For example, in some countries, it is considered
acceptable to copy text from a source without attribution, as long as the author is named. However,
in the UK, this is considered plagiarism.

Resources for Students

CLAST provides a number of resources to help students avoid plagiarism, including a plagiarism guide,
a referencing guide, and a library of academic writing resources. Students can also seek help from
their instructor or a another suitably qualified person if they have any questions about plagiarism or

How to avoid plagiarism

There are a number of things you can do to avoid plagiarism, including:

  • Always cite your sources correctly.
  • Use quotation marks around any text that you copy directly from another source.
  • Paraphrase information from other sources in your own words, but be sure to cite the
  • Keep track of all of the sources you use, so that you can cite them correctly.

What to do if you suspect plagiarism

If you suspect that plagiarism has taken place, you should report it to CLAST immediately. CLAST will
investigate the matter and take appropriate disciplinary action if necessary.

Criteria for Plagiarism

  • Intent: Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional. However, even if plagiarism is
    unintentional, it is still considered academic misconduct.
  • Similarity: Plagiarized work will typically be very similar to the original source. This may involve
    copying text or ideas word-for-word or paraphrasing the source without proper attribution.
    However, in the case of CLAST, plagiarism will be considered if the similarity between the
    student’s work and the original source is 25% or more.
  • Lack of attribution: Plagiarized work will typically not cite its sources correctly. This may involve
    failing to cite a source at all or citing the source incorrectly.
  • Context: The context in which the plagiarism has occurred will also be taken into consideration.
    For example, if the plagiarism is in a non-essential part of the assignment, or if it is due to a
    misunderstanding of how to cite sources, it may be considered less serious than if the plagiarism
    is in an essential part of the assignment or if it is intentional.

Disciplinary action for plagiarism

The disciplinary action for plagiarism will vary depending on the severity of the offence. Possible
disciplinary actions include:

  • A warning
  • A deduction of marks for the assignment or assessment
  • A failure grade for the assignment or assessment
  • Suspension from the college
  • Exclusion from the college
    The Awarding Body (Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) may be informed


CLAST takes plagiarism, including misuse of GAI, very seriously. It is important to be aware of what
plagiarism is and how to avoid it while promoting the ethical and transparent use of GAI in academic

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