
May 2025


*Further IAT fees may apply


The unit will provide the learner with the opportunity to investigate the housing, husbandry and use of aquatic species in the animal facility. This module delivers a more in-depth knowledge of animal care practices in line with EU module 23.

You will cover

  • Common species
  • Housing
  • Filtration
  • Feeding
  • Enrichment
  • Handling and sexing
  • Breeding
  • Common procedures
  • Transport

Key Skills you will develop

  • Knowledge and understanding of the housing and husbandry of common aquatic species
  • Knowledge and understanding of the use of aquatic species in the animal facility
  • Ability to describe common problems related to housing and welfare of aquatic species and methods for minimising the risks of these occurring
  • Ability to identify potential disease risks in the animal facility
  • Ability to devise appropriate breeding programmes for laboratory animals given specified conditions
  • Knowledge of the procedures for the safe and legal transportation of animals
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Course Details

  • Course Length: 200 hours
  • Credits: 20
  • Unit Number: U4.7
  • Teacher: Nicola Goodwin

Complete form to enrol for: Aquatics